

The foundation is technology where we combine personalised solutions with standard applications.
Improve efficiency
Software integration
Personalised solutions

Many organisations face the challenge of keeping implementations scalable and cost-effective. In an environment where customisation is often the norm, this is quite difficult. But with a proliferation of system verticals, a good adoption policy is almost impossible. So it is essential to keep your core system intact. This significantly reduces implementation costs, but also ensures a scalable and cost-efficient IT infrastructure in the long run.

When Ctac talks about technology, we’re talking about applications that complement the standard. With our solutions, everything stays within one code environment, with an integration framework that allows you to perform upgrades, specific to your processes and your industry.

We streamline development processes and simplify integrations. And that is important, because an environment in which cloud services and applications work together seamlessly is a must these days. We also aim to automate tasks by introducing new methods to standardise and integrate development processes. The foundation is technology where we combine personalised solutions with standard applications, so that you don’t incur unnecessary costs and can remain flexible. This takes into account the latest technological developments, such as AI.


How can we assist you?

XV Unified Commerce Platform
XV Unified Commerce Platform