
Professional Services

Business service delivery is all about expertise. With stable, continuous IT processes, you can manage your projects more effectively and boost your customer satisfaction.

Expertise as a Service

The business landscape is changing. Digital transformation is ushering in new, flexible business models, and “Everything as a Service” is coming closer every day. As a business service provider, it is therefore important to maintain your competitive edge by correctly managing the expertise you offer the market. That starts with a strong IT system.

Efficient processes, effective working

With full visibility of projects and resources, predictable cash flows and a streamlined prospect-to-cash process, you’ll always have up-to-date management information and know what’s going on in your organisation. This allows you to provide your customers with the best possible service and ensure customer satisfaction. Smart project management also leads to a higher level of billable hours in your organisation. At Ctac, we help you on your way to the most suitable IT landscape to guarantee success in your organisation.

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Integrate IT into your business

As a professional services expert, we translate your vision into the IT landscape that best fits your organisation. We have extensive technical knowledge in the fields of the SAP S/4HANA cloud ERP system, CRM and Unified Commerce, and are also happy to put our business knowledge to work for you. We can help you with consultancy issues relating to data and cloud strategy, integration with other business platforms, security, licence management and advanced IT optimisation, and always make sure to provide change management.

Would you like to have a success story to share? We're happy to help.

Your partner in professional services

Achieve success in business service delivery by managing projects more effectively and streamlining processes. With extensive experience in IT, change management and user support, we at Ctac combine our technical and business knowledge to help you create the right IT landscape and enable you to achieve your business goals.

"Ctac has helped us brilliantly since the beginning, especially during the preparatory and the functional design phases. They paid plenty of attention to having a good user experience and a logical presentation and selection of the right information. This makes the reports something our various users can easily learn and use themselves."

Bart Wijlaars, CIO of HLB WVdB

Applicaties en diensten voor professional services


Ctac helps you achieve your sustainability goals faster with our advice and useful applications.

SDG: Sustainable Development Goals

Modern Work

Online everywhere and at any time within your own secure business environment. From hardware to software and from next-level collaboration via Teams to cybersecurity.

Modern Work

Cyber Security

Cybercrime, hackers, data theft and sabotage can cause a great deal of damage. Ctac helps you keep your systems and data secure.

"Ctac has the PowerApps expertise we were looking for, and the capacity to get things moving quickly. In addition, during our first brainstorming sessions, they demonstrated that they fully understood our long-term goals in the area of predictive analytics." Marc Bongers, Director of Marketing & Data Intelligence

Successful solutions in this sector


SAP S/4HANA Cloud is a full, modular, inter-company cloud ERP powered by AI and analytics.

moderne werkplek modern workplace microsoft teams security hardware laptop employee experience self service
Modern Work

Online everywhere and at any time within your own secure business environment. From hardware to software and from next-level collaboration via Teams to cybersecurity.

Modern Work

New digital workplace for Holla Advocaten.

Legal firm Holla Advocaten has to be able to rely on data being available. We delivered an IT environment that provides every employee with fast and secure access to all the applications they need.

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Professional Services at Ctac

We at Ctac are your partner in professional services. We create visibility of your projects and resources, develop predictable cash flows and streamline prospect-to-cash processes to help you manage your projects more efficiently and ensure customer satisfaction. Our technical knowledge of SAP and Microsoft, and other systems, combined with our business knowledge, enables us to create the best IT landscape for your situation.