Your sector, our expertise
Your customer deserves a frictionless buying experience.
Towards an agile supply chain.
A strong IT infrastructure forms the foundation for a successful manufacturing company.
With stable, continuous IT processes, you manage your projects more effectively.
Efficient processes, data security, and privacy.
The sector is changing. The demand for, and flow of, data is increasing.
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Your customer deserves a frictionless buying experience.
Towards an agile supply chain.
A strong IT infrastructure forms the foundation for a successful manufacturing company.
With stable, continuous IT processes, you manage your projects more effectively.
Efficient processes, data security, and privacy.
The sector is changing. The demand for, and flow of, data is increasing.
Stay informed about all IT and consultancy developments.
Curious how other organizations experience working with Ctac?
Increase your knowledge with interesting whitepapers and infographics.
An overview of live events and webinars.
Watch interesting IT discussions in our talk show.
An overview of our financial press releases.
Cybersecurity ontpopt zich als essentieel thema binnen organisaties en bedrijven. Logisch, want ze zijn steeds vaker slachtoffer van cybercriminelen die op zoek zijn naar gevoelige informatie over de organisatie en diens klanten of systemen gijzelen voor losgeld. Cybercriminaliteit kan het bedrijfsimago en de continuïteit ernstig in het gedrang brengen. Hoe kunnen bedrijven zich optimaal wapenen tegen deze onzichtbare vijanden? Dat en meer bespreken we in een gloednieuwe aflevering van Ctalk.