Source: Financieele Dagblad
A workplace must be clean, tidy and orderly. Tools must be in the right place, organised and without clutter or loose parts. Otherwise, accidents will happen. This principle also applies to the digital environment in which a company operates. The basics must be in order, otherwise every business management system is vulnerable to attack.
Basic hygiene must be in order to optimise the use of an IT environment and ensure its security, and to minimise the impact of a cybersecurity attack. Business operations are becoming increasingly digital and contain more and richer data. Yet when it comes to IT management in organisations and solving issues, a quick fix is too often chosen without looking at the underlying causes and the consequences associated with it. This regularly creates security risks because a quick fix can easily undermine a well-thought-out security strategy and implementation. That is the opinion of two experts from Ctac, who each contribute to the digital security of companies and institutions in their own field. Ctac is responsible for the security of a large number of Microsoft and SAP customers. They manage the security of the environments for these organisations, making them a major player in the field of cyber security and cloud management.