Data can be enormously valuable to your organisation. Provided you know how to turn that data into analyses and insights. Preferably in such a way that your entire organisation can use it. But that can be quite challenging. Discover three challenges that often occur when unlocking the value in your data. And why a business data fabric can be the solution.
Customer contacts, order numbers, results of marketing campaigns and stock figures. All business data can bring value to your organisation. After all, with the insights you get from data, you can make well-informed decisions that can positively influence your organisation’s performance. We probably don’t need to explain all that to you anymore. Yet some organisations still struggle with unlocking the value in data. Why is that?
To extract value from your business data, you need to have easy access and at the same time be able to grant controlled access to that data. And there is quite a bit involved in that. These are three common challenges that organisations face when accessing data.